Stunning pictures from Lunar New Year celebrations around the world

I am Gujarat 10 Feb 2020, 6:41 am
  • Stunning pictures from Lunar New Year celebrations around the world

    A Chinese performer dances during a folk art performance in Chinese Lunar New Year “China’s 2020 Spring Festival” celebrations organised by the Chinese Cultural Center (CCC) at El Gomhouria Theatre in Cairo, Egypt.

  • Pictures from US President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial

    Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks during debate ahead of the reconvening of the US Senate impeachment trial of US President Donald Trump in this frame grab from video shot in the U.S. Senate Chamber at the US Capitol in Washington.

  • Pictures of malnourished African lions at Sudan Park go viral

    Pictures of “malnourished and sick” African lions from a park in Sudan’s capital have gone viral on the internet. It grabbed all attention as online calls grew to save five “malnourished and sick” African lions held at a park in Sudan’s capital. There has also been a demand to shift the creatures to a better habitat. Sadly, one of five sick and malnourished lions died on January 20, 2020. Brigadier Essamelddine Hajjar, a manager of Al-Qureshi Park in Khartoum, told AFP that the deceased lioness received intravenous fluids for several days but died. “One of the two sick lionesses died today… Yesterday the doctor gave the two some medicines after which they were given food,” Hajjar said. “One recovered but the other died. We are now diagnosing the cause of death,” he added. Park officials said the conditions of the five creatures had deteriorated in recent weeks, with some losing almost two-thirds of their body weight. The officials also added that the five lions suffered from a shortage of food and medicine for weeks. Sudan is experiencing a worsening economic crisis, with food prices soaring amid a foreign currency shortage. To help and save lions, an online campaign under the hashtag #SudanAnimalRescue has begun. African lions are classified as a “vulnerable” species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Their population dropped 43 percent between 1993 and 2014, with perhaps only 20,000 left in the wild.

  • Berlin hosts Libya summit

    The international allies of the Libyan government backed by the UN and the country’s rebel forces have agreed to implement the ceasefire launched a week ago and the world body-decreed embargo on weapons imports. The accord was reached on Sunday at an international conference on Libya in Berlin organised by the German government and the UN and attended by the President of the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) Fayez al-Serraj, who is supported by Turkey, and the head of the Libyan National Army (LNA), military strongman Khalifa Haftar, backed by Russia and who controls his forces from Tobruk, reports Efe news. “One can say that the Libya Conference is making an important contribution to peace efforts by the UN,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the media here on Sunday night.

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  • In photos: Women’s March 2020 protests held around the US

    Thousands of women took to streets across the US for their rights and protest against President Donald Trump’s controversial policies. Frost, snow and bone-chilling cold didn’t deter activists from kicking off the Women’s March 2020. In Washington, hundreds of protesters began their demonstration from Freedom Plaza at Pennsylvania Avenue just between the White House and US Congress. “The mission of Women’s March is to harness the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change,” organizers said. They added, “We are committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity and respect.” The rally was started with a moment of silence to commemorate victims of women rights violations. A musical group from Chile performed the global feminist protest anthem “A Rapist in Your Path”, and all participants sang in unison.

  • Nancy Pelosi signs impeachment articles against Trump

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed two articles of impeachment against Donald Trump shortly before they were delivered to the Senate, where the US President faces trial on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. “So sad, so tragic for our country, that the actions taken by the president to undermine our national security, to violate his oath of office and to jeopardize the security of our elections, has taken us to this place,” Pelosi said. The articles were ceremonially walked through the US Capitol to the US Senate. The seven “impeachment managers” – Democrats Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Hakeem Jeffries, Zoe Lofgren, Val Demings, Jason Crow and Silvia Garcia – appointed earlier by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to prosecute the case. Following the reading of the articles, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will be sworn-in as the temporary President of the Senate for the duration of the impeachment proceedings.

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  • Lebanon: Clashes break out between security forces and protesters

    Several people were injured as the anti-government protesters and the security forces clashed outside the central bank in Lebanon. The agitation turned violent after a group of protesters smashed window glasses and pelted stones and fireworks at police personnel. In retaliation, the police fired tear gas and resorted to lathicharge to disperse the crowd. Security forces also fired live rounds into the air, some witnesses claimed. Protesters also set garbage dumpsters on fire and threw tear gas canisters back at the riot police. The masked men smashed bank storefronts and ATMs. A series of protests erupted last October against the ruling elite accused of turning country into kleptocracy. Lebanon has been suffering from its worst economic crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war.

  • Hundreds turn out for ‘No Pants Subway Ride’ in NYC

    Hundreds of people participated in the 19th annual ‘No Pants Subway Ride’ in New York City. They took a subway ride without wearing pants in the bone-chilling cold. The organisers asked the participants to gather at Foley Square, where they were assigned a specific train line. According to a report, pantless riders were told to act casual and not speak to other participants. If faced with questions, there were supposed to say they forgot to wear pants, and only feel a little cold, the report added. The ‘No Pants Subway Ride’ was started by a comedian named Charlie Todd in 2002, who posted videos of the event on YouTube. Since then, it has spread around the world.

  • Qatar Amir meets Supreme Leader of Iran

    Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani met Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani and other senior leaders in Tehran. They discussed the ongoing regional crisis and rising tension with the United States following the assassination of the Iranian top commander. Sheikh Tamim said that the de-escalation was the “only solution” to the regional tensions. “This visit comes at a critical time in the region, and we agreed with the brothers and with His Excellency the President that the only solution to these crises is de-escalation from everyone and dialogue,” he told a news conference. “Dialogue is the only solution” to resolve the crisis, the Sheikh added. Sheikh Tamim was the first foreign leader to visit Iran since Iranian commander Soleimani’s killing on January 3 in an American drone attack. Qatar is one of a few countries in the region that maintains a close relationship with Washington and Tehran, with which it shares the world’s largest gas field.

  • In pics: Thousands flee as Philippines volcano spews lava

    Thousands of people were evacuated as the Taal volcano in the Philippines started spewing lava, while the ash fall reached the capital Manila, some 70 km away. The evacuees were taken to the shelters set up by the authorities. The regional civil defence spokesperson, Lexie Masiglat said the evacuation drive is still ongoing, increasing the number of evacuees more than 16 thousand. Around 2,000 evacuees belong to the small volcanic island on Lake Taal that is erupting. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) raised the threat level from 1 to 4 on a scale of 5 after an increase in activity within Taal’s crater resulted in the billowing of a huge plume of smoke that reached heights of around 1 km. An alert level of 4 implies that a dangerous eruption could be imminent and that there is a risk of a volcanic tsunami, as Taal – one of the smallest volcanoes in the world – is located in the middle of the lake.